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Taicang Hengcheng Machinery Co., Ltd
Address: Taifeng Village, Chengxiang Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
Postal code: 215400
Tel.: (86.512) 5310-0920
Fax: (86.512) 5310-0720   
Business contact:
Contact: Yuan Xinghua 13606242211

Technical support

>Poor appearance of finished products?   
Possible cause: poor tension adjustment
**Solution: 1. It can be recorded according to operation experience for the convenience of next use
2. Add automatic tension controller.
Possible cause: poor material fitting
**Solution: 1. Reduce the speed.
2. Use aluminum pressure wheel.
Possible cause: material problem
**Solution: For PE, each roll of finished product needs to use aluminum pressing wheel.
>Waste cannot be eliminated?   
Possible cause: poor adjustment of waste air duct obstruction piece
**Solution: Press down the "deflector" and increase the "reflow effect".
Possible cause: fan air volume
**Solution: The air volume of the fan should be proportional to the size of the waste.
Possible cause: excessive waste
**Solution: Scrapable coiling shaft.
Possible cause: poor waste removal process
**Solution: The angle of the air inlet duct can be adjusted by using the guide piece on the air duct.
>Poor truncation?
Possible cause: material problem
**Solution: The round knife type or flat knife groove wheel, such as paper, can be replaced with thicker, softer materials
Possible cause: worn blade
**Solution: Replace with a new product
Possible cause: weather
**Solution: For example, CPP can be preheated to reduce material brittleness before slitting.
>The number of finished products is not correct?
Possible cause: material problem (slipping with rubber wheel)
**Solution: If the material is too slippery, the meter counter should be pressed on the material.
Possible cause: there is a problem with the detector
**Solution: Turn the meter counter by hand to see if there is any signal input into the meter counter.
Possible cause: meter counter failure
**Solution: If the detector signal has input and the meter counter does not respond, replace it.
>On the increase

Address: Taifeng Village, Chengxiang Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province

Postal code: 215400

Company Office Number: (86.512)5310-0920


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copyright: Taicang Hengcheng Machinery Co., Ltd Filing No:苏ICP备10211832号-1 技术支持:仕德伟科技