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Taicang Hengcheng Machinery Co., Ltd
Address: Taifeng Village, Chengxiang Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
Postal code: 215400
Tel.: (86.512) 5310-0920
Fax: (86.512) 5310-0720   
Business contact:
Contact: Yuan Xinghua 13606242211

Company Profile

Taicang Hengcheng Machinery Co., Ltd. designs slitting machines for various purposes with good ideas. A wide range of machine types are suitable for slitting operations of adhesive, paper, plastic film, aluminum, copper foil, electronic materials and nonwovens.
After steady development, Hengcheng Machinery has become a manufacturer of equipment for the follow-up processing of tape products with large scale in China and the post-processing processing (compounding, slitting, printing) of various packaging substrates such as paper and film, and can also provide customers with services from single equipment to the whole plant planning.
Hengcheng Machinery has established a perfect quality system, and the whole company has formed the quality management business philosophy of "all customer-centric" to ensure that product quality meets customer needs.
Hengcheng Machinery attaches great importance to the after-sale service of products. The Engineering Department is specially responsible for the after-sale installation, commissioning, maintenance, parts supply, staff training and other work of the equipment to guide users to use and maintain the equipment correctly.
Hengcheng Machinery is deeply appreciated by customers for its innovative technology, excellent quality and perfect service. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our technical capabilities to maintain the position of Hengcheng Machinery in the industry.

Address: Taifeng Village, Chengxiang Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province

Postal code: 215400

Company Office Number: (86.512)5310-0920


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copyright: Taicang Hengcheng Machinery Co., Ltd Filing No:苏ICP备10211832号-1 技术支持:仕德伟科技