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Taicang Hengcheng Machinery Co., Ltd
Address: Taifeng Village, Chengxiang Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
Postal code: 215400
Tel.: (86.512) 5310-0920
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Contact: Yuan Xinghua 13606242211


Brief introduction of rewinder

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/9/19 8:57:26 Hits:9848
Rewinder is a special equipment for paper, mica tape and film. It is used to rewind the paper rolls (called original paper rolls) produced by the paper machine in turn, and the paper will be made into finished paper after rewinding. It has become a developing trend to replace DC drive with AC drive in rewinder in paper machine industry. The paper rolls rolled by the paper reeler are relatively soft, and may be damaged or broken inside. The edges on both sides are irregular. The width of the paper web cannot be directly used in paper processing or printing machines. Most paper types (such as newsprint, relief printing paper, wrapping paper, etc.
The rewinding process mainly completes three tasks:
First, remove the raw edges of the base paper;
Secondly, the whole original paper is divided into several widths that meet the user's specifications;
Third, control the roll diameter of the finished paper roll to make it meet the factory specifications.

Next:Advantages and characteristics of rewinder

Address: Taifeng Village, Chengxiang Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province

Postal code: 215400

Company Office Number: (86.512)5310-0920


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